Tagged: spilled ink


Fingers through glass

I suffer alone
I suffer in silence
Not enough presence
not enough presence
i’m gone
i’m away
i’m thinking and restless
i’m far
I can’t stay in one spot
but i haven’t moved
the walls are the same but this isn’t a prison
I’m gasping
and trembling
I’m done, i’m finished
and not even started
I’m here but I can’t find me
I’m looking for everybody
I can find them
but there’s yet a glass to be punctured between us
I can see them
they can see me
but no one is touching anyone
at least not me
where are my three hugs a day
should I panhandle at the streets
my eyes are grey, they’re blank,
dry rock powder in my veins
not even pumping
i breathe and the air turns stale
my brain feels funny, like it’s swelled with emptiness
I’l grab a scooter and step on it
flee at full speed until it’s dark and I can’t see where the road is
probably will get me somewhere
but there I’ll still have to meet this feeling
I could chop it off
yet die
not about that
not suicidal
just drained
wondering how and when the earth was thus displaced
right under my feet
I was just standing
how could I let it
shake me out of me
I’ll tip myself both ways and hear the rain
then maybe I’ll come back to where I haven’t left
sigh is the air i forgot I inhaled
when I lost ‘here’

Rambling, questioning about being a friend

Am I the friend I want you to be?

Are you the friend I want for me?

How does this work?

Lately I’ve been feeling cast aside

Not very much appraised

and very much ignored

Am I being a good listener?

Am I relating to you enough?

At what point in our interactions do you feel like you have filled your cup?

And decide I’m of no use to you any longer?

Does that sound right? Is my perception correct?

Am I giving without getting back?

Or is it just a delusion of my purple heart?

When I hear you and I see you and I give you my time

and I make you laugh and tell you pretty things, do I get back?

Am I completely wrong here?

Am I not seeing things as they are?

Why do I feel like I haven’t met the quota

of coolness?

Why would I tell myself that? Why would I believe it?

Why would I attack myself like there’s an enemy in me?

The things you make me think, you little devil

It’s time you shut your mouth and bring a human or an angel

Cause apparently I keep gravitating toward the wrong people

Or then again,

Maybe I’m just sad


Why wistful?

Wild Flower Fields by Carlinn of Superficial Girls

You’re sad because the past won’t come back to make you happy.

As though the past was the right and only source.

You think because the good times of the past are gone

you won’t be getting any good times now or in the future

As if your sippy cup had been emptied

by your unready lips, many tears ago.

But what made you think
 that as you grow wiser

and your understanding expands

that the universe would withhold new opportunities?

What made you wish, sad and wistful

that those joyful experiences

had come now that you’re more prepared to appreciate them?

How could you think that now that you are better,

And stronger, more evolved, and happier, and aware,

opportunities would cease to arise?

And good times were over

and happiness, unattainable?

That’s nonsense.

You’re smarter than that, silly girl

Why would you think that the fountain stopped flowing

just as you became ready to dip in your feet?

Why would the party be over, and the guests out on the street

right when you decided to start dancing?

Be steady, my darling

There is no need to fear

No chance will be missed when you’re looking

Open your eyes on your face, mind and heart

the beauty doesn’t hide, it loves to be seen

Just as then, so it’s now

Just as beautiful as you wish

What made you think it was over?

Whole-body shiver

Feeling the need to apologise

Thinking and re-thinking everything I’ve done

Was it wrong? How should I know?

Should I try or simply let everything flow?

Like on instinct, without a plan

shrugging my worries off

Did I wash it? Did I turn everything off?

Is it going to hurt me if I don’t do this obsessive thing before?

Such a complicated way of living

Why not be carefree and just roll?

Like my brother, I could learn a lot from him

Brushing off what doesn’t work with him

not being as gullible as I’ve learned to do

You know, accepting everything as a possibility, not knowing where to draw a line

Believing everything, good or not that rad

No wonder such stress burdens my heart at times

*Whole-body-shiver* thinking about anxiety

“Just leave me alone!”

Peace would be a nice gift

Life, just send me some


Count them now

How many secrets are you keeping today?

How long have you told nobody?

Why do you insist on keeping it this way?

Why the fear of keeping it in the dark?

In the hidden drawer that nobody sees

It’s just a scale

Easy to explain it


Pride, no hate

open love, all are equal

Why still a secret to this day?


What do you think it feels like?

What do you think it feels like
to have it all and then nothing
to have it all and then wake up
from the dream
How do you think it feels?
To wake up in a lively city
and walk her streets night and day
get embraced by every wisp of air
Feel the ground as you step purposefully
to a new adventure
every day
How do you think it feels to know it will all end yet still enjoy it
or enjoy it because you know it will end
and then it does
How do you think it feels
To be everyday surrounded by the blessings that the universe has heard you pray for
rain it all on you
have your thoughts and mental process change because the beauty
around you
is well above enough
and then poof
it’s all a memory
How does it feel?
To have it all exist only in your amygdala
as a file stored away
for posterity
How does it feel?
Just like cold soup when you crave a warm broth
or like sour grapes that looked so plump and juicy
like a plastic oreo cookie from the fridge
just like a cocktail that you salivate for on a sunny day
only to try it, hoping for fresh, thirst quenching sweetness,
and get insipid sock water instead

Just a Passenger


I’m okay with just being a passenger

of the jumbo jet giving me a ride

through life

I’m okay with listening passively

to the travelers yapping by my side

all is well

I’ll get my turn

And one day I’ll power my own engine

soar my very own aircraft across the sky

In the meantime I’m fine

getting my complimentary service

in coach

I will move upward to first class

and then sit in the airplane’s nose

leading a whole bunch of encouraging companions

with my ideas, and emotions and thoughts

In the meantime I relax, and get comfy

and enjoy

Look out the window, take a nap, and just enjoy

the ride will be ever changing

ever better

forward and on

Why must the sadness?

Why must the sadness

enter our world?

In waves, and in flashes

in violent mobs

In booms, shock explosions

In families torn

Why must the sadness fracture the world?

It pains me to feel I can’t do anything

Then you shake me as to see that’s untrue

Thousands of helpers help comfort the wounded

Then we all look up and there’s the sun high up

Earth doesn’t stop moving even when it hurts

For there’s plenty of good left in humanity

A vast & stronger majority

that cares enough to keep believing

resilient & unyielding,

all eager to perpetuate love

Back outside


Where the comfort’s left behind

And the effort leads me somewhere

Am I pouring too much out?

Is it gonna help me conquer?

Is this the right amount?

What’s the line between putting yourself out there

and going overboard?

How do people get to know you?

Desperation for human contact

could it lead to unpleasant affairs?

Not with the right mindset

I hear a voice in my head say

Plunging without fear

Diving in with courage

Jump and the net will appear

Dare and the dark clouds will clear

And before my drive disappears

I’ll be holding on to something

sacred and valuable lessons I learned

And the Great One pats my head and my back

He’d been rooting for me all along

Even when I felt like I was losing track

Even in the worst of an anxiety attack

I needed to just listen, and calm down

Good Thing’s always on its way to me

Love is not Overly Attached Girlfriend Meme

Love does not mean a restrictive binding

Love is ‘I care’

Love means ‘I treasure you’

Love is ‘I wish you happiness, my dear’.

Love is not to be feared

or rejected

Love is to be felt and shared and lived

Love is what fills & it never hurts

Love is to breathe easy and to wish all beings good

Love is not to be dodged or escaped from

Love is a blessing, not a curse.

Love is there and here and it’ll help you,

comfort you, and protect you.

In love and with love

you’re free.