Tagged: tequila

Woke up laughing in the middle of the night

Never before had this happened. Wake up crying? Yes. Lots of times, because of nightmares that were uninvited. But laughing, wow. Last night I was dreaming a casual dream, with people I know, and a plate that got chipped. Then my cousin and my brother where talking about Marmite, which in my dream was like Tequila. My cousin said something about Marmite running out, and how she loved it, but was quitting it or something. And I came up with a line that I thought was so fucking hilarious that I couldn’t even deliver it in my dream, so instead I woke up and snorted like I had told the funniest joke on Earth. The line was

So then what do you drink if you’re thirsty?

…What? It just doesn’t even make sense and it had me in stitches. And waking up in the middle of the night because I can’t keep my physical body from dissolving into laughter, well, that’s a memory worth keeping.

May something funny or nonsensical make you crack up this week,
